
Dear Parents, Greetings from Learning Plus!! You are requested to Visit the School on 11.12.2021 (Saturday) for Notebook Submission between 10.00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Parents must keep one set of notebooks of all subjects with them at home and another set should be submitted in school for checking purpose. Name, Admission No., Class & Subject should be clearly mentioned on all notebooks. The schedule for Returning of the Submitted notebooks will be shared later.
Dear Parent, This is to inform you that Learning Plus is going to celebrate Children’s Day on 11.11.2021 (Thursday)for Class Nursery. A ‘Fancy Dress Activity will be conducted via online platform. For your ease, few categories have been given below so as to facilitate you in deciding on the character for your ward for the activity.
Dear Parent, This is to inform you that Learning Plus is going to celebrate Children’s Day on 12.11.2021 (Friday) for Class Prep. A ‘Fancy Dress Activity will be conducted via online platform. For your ease, few categories have been given below so as to facilitate you in deciding on the character for your ward for the activity.
Dear Parent, This is to inform you that the school will remain closed for Diwali Break from 03.11.2021 to 06.11.2021 (i.e. from Wednesday to Saturday). The students will re-join their online classes from 08.11.2021.
Dear Parents, Greetings from Learning Plus!! You are requested to attend the Offline P.T.M. for Class Nursery on 30.10.2021 (Saturday) between 10.30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in School Premises, to discuss the Academic Performance of Evaluation-1 of your ward.
Dear Parents, Greetings from Learning Plus!! You are requested to attend the Offline P.T.M. for Class Prep on 30.10.2021 (Saturday) between 9.30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in School Premises, to discuss the Academic Performance of Evaluation-1 of your ward.
Dear Parent, The festival of Dusshera is round the corner. Let’s begin the festivity@Learning Plus by celebrating “E-Dussehra” so as to reinforce the message amongst the students that ‘good always triumphs over evil’ & they should always follow the Path of Truth as Lord Rama did. You are requested to dress up your wards and help them speak few lines as per the character of Ramayana allotted to them already.