Our Products are known

For their optimum performance and longer service life

Welcome to Proweld India

Manufacturer & Supplier of All types of Welding Machine

We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified company

Engaged in manufacturing, exporting,supplying of electrode holders, welding cables, rectifiers, welding machines and transformers.

Our Products are known

For their optimum performance and longer service life

Welcome to Proweld India

Manufacturer & Supplier of All types of Welding Machine

Why choose Us?

Welding Machine...

Effective Planning

Inverter Machine.

Why choose Us?


Customer Testimonails

Similique fugit repellendus expedita excepturi iure provident quia eaque. Repellendus, vero numquam?

Steve Jobs Apple Inc.
Customer Testimonails

Natus voluptatum enim quod necessitatibus quis expedita harum provident eos obcaecati id culpa corporis molestias.

Collis Ta'eed Envato Inc.
Customer Testimonails

Incidunt deleniti blanditiis quas aperiam recusandae consequatur ullam quibusdam cum libero illo rerum!

John Doe XYZ Inc.
  1. 1
  2. 2
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Concrete Developments

Concrete Developments

Research and Development

Research and Development

Effective Designed

Effective Designed

Cost Effective Solutions

Cost Effective Solutions

Smart Solutions

Smart Solutions

Quality Control

Quality Control

Some of Our Esteemed Products:

Wavelength Structure


Greenhouse Garden


Corporate Headquarters


Would you like to know more about our product and services? Enquire Here

Ours is a well known organization engaged in offering DC welding rectifiers, co2/mig welding, regulator type welding machines, tig niter 400, stud type welding machines, welding electrode holders, retractable electrode holders and welding cables. Moreover, we also ensure that our entire product range is manufactured using high grade aluminum, fiber glass wires and crgo stamping.

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